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Fiumera AC. 2024. Experience matters: genetic variation affects male reproductive success across sequential mating events in Drosophila melanogaster, Journal of Evolutionary Biology, Volume 37, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 501–509,

Nguyen THM, Tinz-Burdick A, Lenhardt M, Geertz M, Ramirez F, Schwartz M, Toledano M, Bonney B, Gaebler B, Liu W, Wolters JF, Chiu K, Fiumera AC, Fiumera HL. 2023. A novel recombinant mapping yeast collection identifies mitotic growth loci that influence mtDNA stability through mitonuclear interactions. PLOS Genetics:doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1010401

Lovejoy PC, Foley KE, Conti MM, Meadows SM, Bishop C, Fiumera AC. 2021. The genetic basis of susceptibility to low dose paraquat and variation between the sexes in D. melanogaster. Molecular Ecology.30:2040-2053.

Lovejoy PC, Fiumera AC. 2019. Atrazine and paraquat interact to affect climbing ability and longevity in Drosophila melanogaster. Insect Science.

Wolters JF, Charron G, Gaspary A, Landry CR, Fiumera AC, Fiumera HL. 2018. Mitochondrial recombination reveals mito-mito epistasis in yeast.  Genetics. 209:307-319.

New and Noteworthy

Richter JW, Shull GM, Fountain JH, Guo Z, Musselman LP, Fiumera AC, Mahler G. 2018. Titanium dioxide nanoparticle exposure alters metabolic homeostasis in a cell culture model of the intestinal epithelium and Drosophila melanogaster. Nanotoxicology. DOI: 10.1080/17435390.2018.1457189

Giardina, T, Clark AG, Fiumera AC.  2017.  Estimating mating rates in wild Drosophila melanogaster females by decay rates of male reproductive proteins in their reproductive tracts.  Molecular Ecology Resources. 17: 1202-1209. doi:10.1111/1755-0998.12661

Marcus SR, Fiumera AC. 2016. Atrazine exposure affects longevity, development time and body size in Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Insect Physiology. 91-92:18-25.

Vogel A, Harper J, Sirot L, Fiumera AC.  2015. Effects of atrazine exposure on male reproductive performance in Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Insect Physiology.72:14-21.

Reinhart M, Carney T, Clark AG, Fiumera AC.  2015.  Characterizing Male-Female Interactions Using Natural Genetic Variation in Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Heredity. 106:67-79.

Paliwal S, Fiumera AC, Fiumera HL.  2014.  Mitochondrial-Nuclear epistasis contributes to phenotypic variation and coadaptation in natural isolates of Saccharomyces cerevisiaeGenetics. 198:1251-1265.

Zhang, R, Clark AG, Fiumera AC. 2013. Natural Genetic Variation in Male Reproductive Genes Contributes to Non-Transitivity of Sperm Competitive Ability in Drosophila melanogaster. Molecular Ecology.  22:1400-1415.

A featured news and views article

Giardina TJ, Beavis A, Clark AG, Fiumera AC. 2011. Female Influence on Pre- and Post-copulatory Sexual Selection and its Genetic Basis in Drosophila melanogaster. Molecular Ecology 20:4098-4108.

Sirot, LK, Buehner NA, Fiumera AC, Wolfner MF. 2009.  Seminal fluid protein depletion and replenishment in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster:  an ELISA based method for tracking individual ejaculates.  Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.  63:1505-1513

Jones B, Walsh D, Werner L, Fiumera AC.  2009.  Using blocks of linked SNPs as highly polymorphic genetic markers for parentage analysis.  Molecular Ecology Resources 9:487-497.

Wong A, Albright SN, Giebel J, Kristipati RR, Ji S, Fiumera AC, Wolfner MF. 2008. A role for the seminal fluid lectin Acp29AB in female sperm storage. Genetics 180:1-11.

Featured in Issue Highlights

Zhang R, Amah L, Fiumera AC 2008. No evidence for genetic correlations between male body size and phenotypes affecting postcopulatory sexual selection in Drosophila melanogaster. Biology Letters 4:500-503.

Jones B, Grossman GD, Walsh D, Porter BA, Avise JC, Fiumera, AC. 2007. Estimating differential reproductive success from nests of related individuals, with application to a study of the mottled sculpin, Cottus bairdi. Genetics 176:2427-2439.

McGraw LA, Fiumera AC, Ramakrishnan M, Madhavarapu S, Clark AG, Wolfner MF.  2007.  Larval rearing environment affect several post-copulatory traits in Drosophila melanogaster.  Biology Letters 3:607-610.

Fiumera AC, Dumont BL, Clark AG.  2007.  Natural variation in sperm competitive ability associates with variation in male reproductive genes on the third chromosome of D. melanogasterGenetics 176:1245-1260.

Fiumera AC, Dumont BL, Clark AG.  2006.  Natural variation in male-induced ‘cost-of-mating’ and its association with male reproductive proteins in Drosophila melanogasterPhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B:  Biological Sciences 361:355-361.

Fiumera AC, Dumont BL, Clark AG.  2005.  Sperm competitive ability in Drosophila melanogaster associated with variation in male reproductive proteins.  Genetics 169:243-257.

Featured in Issue Highlights

Light JE, Fiumera AC , Porter BA. 2005. Egg-feeding in the freshwater piscicolid leech (Annelida, Hirudinea)

Cystobranchus virginicus (Annelida, Hirudinea).  Invertebrate Biology 124:50-56.

Fiumera AC, Porter BA, Looney G, Asmussen MA, Avise JC.  2004.  Maximizing offspring production while maintaining genetic diversity in supplemental breeding programs of highly fecund managed species.  Conservation Biology 18:94-101.

Fiumera AC, DeWoody JA, Asmussen MA, Avise JC.  2002.  Estimating the proportion of offspring attributable to candidate adults.  Evolutionary Ecology 16:549-565.

Fiumera AC, Porter BA, Grossman GD, Avise JC.  2002.  Intensive genetic assessment of the mating system and reproductive success in a semi-closed population of the mottled sculpin, Cottus bairdiMolecular Ecology 11:2367-2377.

Porter BA, Fiumea AC , Avise JC. 2002. Egg mimicry and allopaternal care: two mate-attracting tactics by which nesting striped darter (Etheostoma virgatum) males enhance reproductive success. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 51:350-359.

Avise JC, Jones AG, Walker D, DeWoody JA, and collaborators (Dakin B, Fiumera A , Fletcher D, Mackiewicz M, Pearse D, Porter B, Wilkins SD). 2002. Genetic mating systems and reproductive natural histories of fishes: Lessons for ecology and evolution. Annual Review of Genetics 36:19-45.

Fiumera AC, DeWoody YD, DeWoody JA, Asmussen MA, Avise JC.  2001.  Accuracy and precision of methods to estimate the number of parents contributing to a half-sib progeny array.  Journal of Heredity 92:120-126.

Fiumera AC, Asmussen MA.  2001.  Difficulties in parentage analysis:  The probability that an offspring and parent share the same heterozygous genotype.  Genetical Research 78:163-170.

DeWoody JA, DeWoody YD, Fiumera AC, Avise JC. 2000. On the number of reproductives contributing to a half-sib progeny array. Genetical Research 75:95-105.

Fiumera AC, Parker PG, Fuerst PA.  2000.  Effective population size and maintenance of genetic diversity in captive bred populations of a Lake Victoria cichlid.  Conservation Biology 14:886-892.

Fiumera AC, Wu L, Parker PG, Fuerst PA.  1999.  Effective population size in the captive breeding program of the Lake Victoria cichlid Paralabidochromis chilotesZoo Biology 18:215-222.


Manusripts currently in preparation

Marcus, SR, Walter J, Xie, M, Fiumera AC. In Prep.  Characterizing the effects of atrazine exposure on Drosophila melanogaster life history traits and identifying the genetic basis to responsiveness.

Xie M, and . In prep. Natural genetic variation affects sensitivity to atrazine for male reproductive ability in Drosophila melanogaster.

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